Social-Emotional Learning

Behavior Solutions

By: John Hannigan, Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, Mike Mattos, Austin Buffum

Take strategic action to close the systemic behavior gap with the support of Behavior Solutions. Foster social-emotional learning (SEL) by utilizing the PLC at Work® and RTI at Work processes to boost student metacognition and create an action plan for meeting their psychological needs.


Take Time for You

By: Tina H. Boogren

Create an individualized self-care plan based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This book provides doable wellness and self-assessment activities and reflection questions for teachers and educators.


Mindful School Communities

By: Christine Mason, Michele M. Rivers Murphy, Yvette Jackson

Discover how to develop a balanced system of schooling that fosters consciousness, compassion, confidence, courage, and community as a vehicle for student success and academic achievement. Use assessment tools like the S-CCATE (School Compassionate Culture Analytic Tool for Educators) in a conscious leadership role.


Mindfulness Practices

By: Christine Mason, Michele M. Rivers Murphy, Yvette Jackson

Build compassionate classrooms and mindful schools that prioritize both learning and well-being. Based on the latest neuroscience research, this book provides mindfulness exercises as well as trauma-informed practices for creating positive learning environments.


Two-for-One Teaching

By: Lauren Porosoff, Jonathan Weinstein

Use the academic tasks students already do for social-emotional learning. Integrate student values into academic instruction and make learning meaningful for students. This book will guide teachers in helping students connect their work to their values, empowering them to redefine success.


Holistic Leadership, Thriving Schools

By: Jane A. G. Kise

Lead a whole-child learning environment where student engagement and success thrive. This practical educational leadership book guides school leaders in using 12 powerful leadership lenses and the stages of leadership development to overcome challenges and balance priorities while still supporting the whole student.


Building the Resilient School

By: Robert D. Barr, Emily L. Gibson

Discover how to use resiliency and hope to address student needs and overcome the effects of poverty in the 21st century. Build learners’ emotional intelligence and self-regulation skills so they can face adversity and defeat learned helplessness.
